Day 2 - web3 & Community

12:50 CET

13:00 CET

Sander Gansen | Nizzar (Thenizzar) Ben Chekroune | Armin ZadakBar

Co-Founder of BananaCorp | Founder Thenizzar ๐Ÿ›ผ Web3 Strategist ๐ŸŒ Co-Founder BananaCor | President at European Web3 Organization / CEO at The Armin Bar (NYC|Milan) / Co-Founder at BananaCorp

Panel: Let's talk about the future of internet, loyalty and personalisation.

13:30 CET

Ionut Gaucan

Blockchain advisor/ crypto web3 researcher/ 7 years in the space/ ex Binance/ working on NapulETH 2024 event.

Speech: WEB3 Community & ETH NAPUL

13:50 CET

Carlo Moretti

is Head of Growth of NFT Romeยฉ๏ธ

Speech - NFT ROME

14:10 CET

Michele (Mik) Ruberl

Senior IT leader - travel tech integration and decentralized architecture

Speech - What is everyone else building? Forget DeFi, Web3 real vertical cases happening now in Tourism and their possible intersection with Fashion

14:30 CET

Ooli Shannon de Villรจle (formerly Spanhake) | Roy Bernheim | Americo Cacciapuoti

founder and CEO of Memento | Co-Founder & CEO of Decommerce |CEO and founder of WoV Labs

Panel - Fashioning the Revolution: From onchain communities, to digital toys, to tokenized RWAs.

15:00 CET

Maxximillian .eth

Founder of CTWLK XR Digital Fashion Runway

Speech - Fashion as Language: The Power of Wearing Art

15:20 CET

Michele Zanello

FHead of Growth Marketing / Forbes Under 30 / PM Metaverse fashion week / TOP #100 most influential italian people in music business (IEMBI 2023)

Speech - How to leverage the Spatial Computing for a winning Marketing Strategy

15:40 CET

Alessandro U.M. Raboni

Co-Founder of Web3Mi/ETHMilan | Head of Growth at

Speech - ETH Milan

16:00 CET

Giorgio Gramegna

Founder of CryptoConfidential | Founder of Forest NFT | Co-Founder of Offchian Global

Speech- Offchain community around the world and milan activities

16:20 CET

Angelo Ponzi

CMO at ICP HUB Italia & Ticino

Speech - ICP Community

16:40 CET

Roberto Gorini

Founder of Original, Noku and NFT Fest

Speech - NFT Fest

17:00 CET

Marco Pizzini

Founder of Mategate - Milan

Speech - To metaverse and Back

17:20 CET

Hrish Lotlikar

Founder of Superworld

Speech - The Virtual World in Augmented Reality

17:40 CET

Alexander Aleksashev-Arno

Founder of Choice LGBTQIA+

Speech - Choice LGBTQ+ Community


after party

By Choice Family. DJ-Ines du noir will brings you an amazing night with his music.


๐ŸŽ avatar

Free to cliam the avatar in the backpack By Shermez in the Theatre


dope stilo

Weekly concert by @DopeStilo in the Lava heads volcano theatre.